November 1st |
6:00 PM - Crew 22 (Youth) in Youth Room |
November 1st |
5:30 PM - Children's Supper in Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM - Children's Bible Study & Missions |
November 1st |
6:30 - Prayer Meeting & Bible Study in Sanctuary |
November 5th |
6:30 PM--Covington/Jefferson Davis County Crusade at Collins Civic Center |
November 6th |
2:30 PM - D.P. Smith WMU |
November 8th |
6:00 PM - Crew 22 (Youth) in Youth Room |
November 8th |
6:30 - Prayer Meeting & Bible Study in Sanctuary |
November 8th |
5:30 PM--Children's Supper in Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM--Children's Bible Study and Missions |
November 11th |
11:00 AM---1:00 PM--Baby shower honoring Anna Saucier Baviska in Fellowship Hall |
November 12th |
Business Meeting immediately after the Evening Service |
November 15th |
6:00 PM--United 23 at Collins Civic Center |
November 15th |
5:30 PM - Children's Supper in Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM - Children's Bible Study & Missions |
November 15th |
6:30 PM--Prayer Meeting & Bible Study in Sanctuary |
November 18th |
9:00 AM---12:00 PM--Annual Youth Thanksgiving Bake Sale in Fellowship Hall |
November 19th |
6:00 PM--Community Thanksgiving Service at FBC Collins |
November 22nd |
No Crew 22 |
November 22nd |
No Prayer Meeting or Bible Study |
November 22nd |
No Children's Bible Study or Missions |
November 23rd |
Church office will be closed for Thanksgiving holiday! |
November 24th |
Church office will be closed for Thanksgiving holiday! |
November 26th |
Deacons Meeting immediately after the Evening Service |
November 29th |
5:30 PM--Children's Supper in Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM--Children's Bible Study and Missions |
November 29th |
6:00 PM--Crew 22 (Youth) in Youth Room |
November 29th |
6:30 PM--Prayer Meeting & Bible Study in Sanctuary |